What's For Dinner: Grilled Veggie Kebabs

I had veggie kebabs on my mind today, so while running errands in town, I made a quick stop at Golden Harvest to pick up some veggies. Among my choices were a yellow squash, a zucchini, some mushrooms, a white pepper, a purple pepper, a sweet onion, and a pint of cherry tomatoes. (Woh, that was quite a veggie haul!)

Prepping the meal was pretty easy -- I just rinsed all the veg, then put them onto bamboo skewers. I put the squash and zucchini on the skewers cross-wise, so that the cut-sides would hit the grill. Once D came home from work, I put him on grill duty. In addition to the veggie kebabs, he made a couple of chicken kebabs for himself. To do so, he cut some chicken thighs into small, 2"x2" pieces, then seasoned the meat with garlic pepper before placing the chicken on the skewers. The veggie skewers cooked on the grill for about 12 minutes, and the chicken skewers cooked on the grill for about 15-20 minutes.

To serve the kebabs, I removed the veggies from their skewers (thus de-kebabing, I suppose), and placed the roasted veggies over a bed of couscous. I topped the veggies with crumbled feta cheese and a drizzle of Greek dressing (recipe -- and giveaway!!) coming tomorrow.


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