What I'm Drinking: Beaujolais Nouveau

Le Beaujolais nouveau est arrivé! Last night D and I headed to our favorite neighborhood wine bar to enjoy a couple of glasses of the newly released Beaujolais nouveau. This young French wine, bottled only 6-8 weeks prior to its being poured, is traditionally released on the third Thursday of November. Beaujolais nouveau is meant to be drunk young, and is typically consumed within six months of its bottling. You can find more fun facts about Beaujolais nouveau here.

D and I both enjoyed glasses of Beaujolais Nouveau, Domaine Christophe Pacalet at Jet Wine Bar. I also tried a glass of the local "Beaujolais" - Dornfelder (Neue Coatesville), Stargazers Vineyard. (This wine, like the Beaujolais, is bottled in the year of the harvest and released in November). I much preferred the strawberry/juicy berry flavor of the French wine to the "grassier" (mmmm!) taste of the Pennsylvanian wine. I have a feeling there may be a few more glasses of the easy-drinking (and easy-to-pair, I'm sure) Beaujolais Nouveau, Domaine Christophe Pacalet in my near future. 

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