What's For Breakfast: "Poached" Egg Sandwich

I decided to mix things up this morning and made an egg sandwich for breakfast. Since I had no patience to wait for water to boil, nor did I feel like dirtying up a whole poaching pan, I opted to "poach" the egg in the microwave. Instructions will vary depending on the power of your microwave (ours is a cheapie one, so its power is pretty weak), but here's what I did:

1. Spray a small (3-ounce) ramekin with cooking spray.
2. Crack an egg into the ramekin. (I scooted the yolk over to the center with a knife.)
3. Nuke the ramekin for about 60-75 seconds on power-level five.
4. Use a rubber spatula to remove the cooked egg from the ramekin.
5. Season the egg with a little salt and pepper to taste. Serve on a toasted English muffin with romaine lettuce, heirloom tomato slices, and Swiss cheese.

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