What's For Dessert: Mexican Chocolate Pudding Pie

I opted to make a pudding pie for our Fourth of July dessert. Not just any pudding pie, however, but a vegan pudding pie. (Oooh!) The following recipe from Mark Bittman features silken tofu rather than your standard pudding mix. This pudding pie is quite rich and is best enjoyed in small slivers (even I could barely eat an entire slice!). I un-veganized the final product by adding a generous dollop of fresh whipped cream -- but I think it would be just as good without such an addition, or perhaps you could use a soy or other non-dairy whipped cream alternative.

Mexican Chocolate Pudding Pie (printer-friendly version)
makes one pie

3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup water
1 pkg silken tofu
8 oz Ghirardelli semisweet chocolate chips, melted (alternately, you could use an 8 oz chocolate bar, just be sure to use the best-quality chocolate you can find)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1 graham cracker crust

1. Combine the sugar and water in a small saucepot. Bring the mixture to a boil, and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from the heat and let cool.
2. Use a double-broiler to melt the chocolate. Let cool for a few minutes.
3. Add the cooled sugar-water mixture, melted chocolate, silken tofu, vanilla, cinnamon, and chili powder to a blender.
4. Puree until all the ingredients are combined in a smooth mixture. Use a rubber spatula to scrape down the sides of the blender if necessary.
5. Pour the pudding mixture into the graham cracker crust. Alternately, pour the pudding mixture into four large or six small ramekins.
6. Place in the fridge and chill for at least one hour, or until the pudding has set.
7. Optional -- Serve with a decadent spoonful (or three) of fresh whipped cream. (See recipe below.)

Fresh Whipped Cream
makes about one cup

1/2 cup organic heavy cream
1/2 tablespoon confectioner's sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Chill your mixing bowl and whisk in the freezer for at least 15 minutes.
2. Pour the heavy cream into the chilled mixing bowl, and whip at high speed. When cream begins to thicken, add the sugar and vanilla extract.
3. Continue to whip the cream until stiff peaks form.
4. Use immediately.

(adapted from this recipe)


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